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Packshot product photos

Have the perfect product photo created for Amazon, Ebay and online stores – exactly the way you want it! Present your products from their best side and choose whether they should be on a seamless white or colorful background.

starting from 59€
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Packshot product photos with seamless background for

White background for Amazon? Or would you prefer colorful for social media? However you want your product photos to look, your items have never looked better. With our clipping product photos, articles are presented in a very simple and natural way – without any frills.

Ideal for social media, advertising, catalogs or your own online store. Create the look you want with a pool of different options and send us your order.

Jetzt bestellen

You decide how your item should be photographed: Choose from different backgrounds and perspectives when you place your order. Submitted articles are centered and photographed from the desired perspectives. If the article consists of several components, we will arrange them harmoniously – if you have any wishes or comments on this, you can let us know using the corresponding input field.

Please note our guidelines for product photos.

The maximum weight of your item must not exceed 25 kg.
The longest side of your item must not exceed 80 cm .
Transparent background: For this option, the nature of the item must be suitable for cropping.

Please check our guidelines for more information.

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Der Standort des Studios liegt in Deutschland. Die genaue Adresse wird dir nach Abschluss deiner Bestellung mitgeteilt.

Nachdem deine Artikel bei uns eingetroffen sind, dauert es in der Regel 2 bis 3 Werktage bis wir den Rückversand einleiten.

Ja. Deine Artikel werden kostenlos an die bei uns hinterlegte Adresse verschickt. Falls du keinen Rückversand möchtest, kannst du uns das beim Auftragsformular mitteilen.

Nachdem deine Artikel bei uns eingetroffen sind, dauert es in der Regel 2-3 Werktage bis deine Bilder & Videos fertig sind.


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Further services from us

Packshot product photos for Amazon, Ebay and your own online store

With professional product photos, you can boost your business and not only strengthen your brand in the long term, but also noticeably increase sales of your goods. No more scrolling for customers: Because with the right images, the click rate and interaction can be significantly increased. Convince at first glance with quality and a brilliant presentation of your goods.

Have product photos created for food

Presentation is particularly important when it comes to food because, as we all know, the eye eats too. That’s why the product photo should also whet the appetite. We do our best to present snacks, drinks and other delicacies in a tasty way.

Prices for packshot product photos

It doesn’t take much for professional product photos at Studiofy: you can have your photos created by us for as little as €59. Choose your desired service and order today. You will receive your unique product photos within 2 to 3 working days.